Natural History Also known at the Carolina anole, the American anole, the Red Throated anole, and the American Chameleon, this lizard has become popular pet in the United States. Native to the...
Bearded Dragon Care
Photos and edited by Susan Horton, DVM There are 20 different species of bearded dragons in Australia but only three of those species are commonly found in the pet industry. The Inland or Central...
Blue Tongued Skink Care (Tiliqua spp.)
Deanne Strat, DVM Photos and edited by Susan Horton, DVM Common Species Pygmy blue tongue skink (T. adelaidensis) Indonesian blue tongue skink (T. gigas gigas)- gray or gray brown with irregular...
Crested Gecko Care (Rhacodactylus ciliatus)
Erica Mede, CVT Photos and edited by Susan Horton, DVM Select Photos by Melissa Borden Description Cresties live around 10-20 years and reach an average length of 7-9 inches long making them a small...
Crocodile Monitor Care (Varanus salvadorii)
Crocodile monitors, also called Croc monitors, Salvadori’s monitors, and Papua monitors are large carnivorous lizards native to the island of New Guinea. Their preferred habitats are the mangrove...
Frilled Lizard Care (Chlamydosaurus kingii)
Erica Mede, CVT Natural History Frilled dragons are a grayish colored lizard from the savanna woodland areas, and occasionally the tropical and temperate forests of Australia and New Guinea. The...
Green Iguana Care
Susan Horton, DVM Green iguanas are very popular pets. They are perhaps one of the most misunderstood and poorly kept of all reptile pets. They can reach considerable size. Recorded weights and...
Healthy Veggie Shopping for Reptiles
Nutrition plays a major role in the health and longevity of any animal. Keep in mind that moderation and variety are the keys to offering a complete, well-balanced diet. Lizards require a mix of...
Jackson’s Chameleon Care (Chamaeleo jacksonii)
Erica Mede, CVT Photos by Susan Horton, DVM as marked Jackson ’s chameleons have become increasingly popular pets due to their beautiful green coloration and the males three horn like appendages on...
Keeping Lizard Habitats Warm
Paul Gibbons, DVM ABVP Avian and Reptile One of the most important aspects of reptile care is temperature maintenance. Although reptiles are commonly thought to be “cold blooded”, a study of...
Leopard Geckos Care (Eublepharis macularius)
Erica Mede, CVT Photos by Melissa Borden where noted Photos/Health by Susan Horton, DVM Natural History Also known as Leos, the Leopard gecko, has become a popular pet in the United States due to...
Managing Metabolic Bone Health in Lizards
Home care for green iguanas and other reptiles with secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism Initially I wrote this send home sheet for Green Iguanas since they were the ones I most often saw with...
Nile Monitor Care
What You Need to Know About Nile Monitors They look like dragons and behave like any other large carnivore. They’re imported indiscriminately, with thousands sold each year. They grow quickly from...
Old World Chameleon Care
Dr. Rob Coke, DVM Captive Care and Breeding Old World Chameleons have long fascinated mankind with their independently rotating eyes, their lightning fast tongues, and their psychedelic color...
Panther Chameleon Care (Furcifier pardalis)
Erica Mede, CVT Photos and editing by Susan Horton, DVM Panther chameleons have become increasingly popular pets due to their wide range of beautiful colors. Typically, chameleons are an...
Red-Eyed Crocodile Skink Care (Tribolonotus gracilis)
Erica Mede, CVT Natural History Also known as Tribbies, Orange-Eyed Crocodile skinks, or the Red-Eyed Busch Crocodile skink this lizard has become increasingly popular pet in the United States since...
Savannah Monitor Care (Varanus exanthematicus)
Erica Mede, CVT Description Savannah monitors, also called Bosc monitors, are large carnivorous lizards that resemble tegus more than typical monitors. When handled regularly, these large bodied,...
Tegu Care (Tupinambis sp)
Erica Mede, CVT Description Tegus are potentially the most intelligent reptile and exhibit this intelligence by attempting clever escape routes. When handled regularly, these large bodied, stocky...
Thai Water Dragon Care (Physignathus cocincinus)
Erica Mede, CVT Description These medium sized lizards reach lengths of 2-3 feet from snout to tail tip with males being on the longer side. Their whip like tail offers both balance and defense...
Uromastyx Care (Uromastyx sp.)
Erica Mede, CVT Photos by Susan Horton, DVM Description Uromastyx are also called Dab lizards, Spiny Tailed lizards, Uros, and Agamids. These medium sized herbivores are quickly gaining popularity...
Veiled Chameleon Care (Chamaeleo calyptratus)
Erica Mede, CVT Photos and editing by Susan Horton, DVM Veiled chameleons have become increasingly popular pets due to their jewel coloration and popularity in movies. Typically, chameleons are an...
There are many different kinds of lizards. Their needs are very specific.