What is Algae? Algae should be thought of as a type of simple plant that develops when water and light are present. Algae is not harmful to an aquarium but in most cases is considered unsightly and...
Aquarium Corals
The popularity of saltwater aquariums is undeniable, and one of the most attractive features of these systems is there ability to sustain beautiful and diverse corals. Corals are actually animals,...
Beginning a Freshwater Aquarium
Day 1- Set up the aquarium Adjust the water temperature to 76-80 degrees. Make sure it stays in this area for 24 hours. De-chlorinate and condition the water with chemicals Confirm that all...
Cleaning your Freshwater Aquarium
by Susan Horton, DVM Why should you clean your aquarium? No matter what type of filtration you have, you will need to regularly clean your aquarium. In a balanced, stable aquarium uneaten food or...
Eel Care
General Eel Care by Jonathon Bresolin, DVM General Information: Eels are a type of fish characterized by their long, serpentine bodies. Their caudal and anal fins, as well as their dorsal fins, are...
Freshwater Tropical Fish Care
by All Creatures Vet Hospital Preventative Medicine for Pet FishIn terrestrial veterinary practice “preventive medicine” is often erroneously considered synonymous with vaccination and “deworming”...
Hermit Crab Care
By: Kristin Valdes, DVM Hermit crabs are fascinating pets that, despite their names, are very social. They are also a pet that requires a lot of work and care. If you are interested in a hermit...
How to Feed your Fish
by Susan Horton, DVM What is proper fish feeding? To successfully keep fish as a hobby you must learn to feed your fish the right type of food and the right QUANTITY of food. If you “overfeed” your...
Koi Care (Cyprinus carpio)
Dr. Kristin Claricoates, DVM Natural history Koi originated as domesticated versions of the common carp. The common carp’s natural habitat is wide in range, including Asia and Central Europe. The...