Responsible Puppy Care Starts With Your First Visit to Crestwood Animal Hospital
Everybody loves puppies, and we are no exception! But puppies can require a lot of work and care—and it’s important to understand what they need.
Puppy vaccines and parasite prevention are critical, and we highly recommend beginning the puppy visits as soon as you get your new pal. The first visit is designed to help with any puppy training questions or concerns you may have. Every new puppy gets a puppy kit with a free bag of high quality food, a dose of heartworm and flea prevention, and extra education to help him or her get off on the right paw.
Remember, it’s important to have your new family member examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible, perhaps even before going home for the first time. This way we can ensure your puppy is protected from potential infectious diseases, as well as make sure that you are protected from any parasites he or she may have. Our goal is to keep your puppy healthy and your family safe. On your first pet care visit, please remember to bring any medical records you may have on your new pet.
Crestwood Animal Hospital offers basic obedience classes, which typically meet on weeknights after our regular hours. The focus of the classes is to provide training basics for puppies and adult dogs and an opportunity for socialization. These classes are positive reinforcement-based, meaning no punishment or negative training tactics are used. Our goal is to keep the training fun for you and your dog so that stress and anxiety are kept to a minimum. Please check with us for current schedules.